So based on how slots work their payback, and avoiding the 5 biggest mistakes what is the best way!   Well here is my method!  Give it a try, I think you'll like it!

First I go to the cashier and change a $100 bill for $10 bills! Then I establish my empty  spin limit, which I normally set at 5!   (Remember, you are looking to find the machine that at this particular time is producing more winning spins  than none winners, and this is strictly hunt and seek!) 

Then I pick my first machine!

If I've had no winners after 5 spins I cash out and go to another machine.  I f I happen to be even or a bit ahead I'll probably stay for a few more spins! If I'm way ahead or have hit a free spin bonus, I stay and play until I have 5 non-winning spins! 

example  we'll say is 30 cents!, which is common for penny slot machines The average player 

makes a spin about every 6 seconds or 10 spins per minute!  So every minute you’re betting

 $3.00 and getting the lowest payback the casino offers!   Now suppose instead you play $1.20

 per spin, you've often doubled your payback rate!  To equalize the bet amount just slow

 down your play rate to one spin about every 25 seconds!  You can also bet the machine

 maximum or play a higher denomination machine just lower your play rate to compensate for

 the larger bets to take advantage of the higher payback rates! 


So, for example, if a dollar machine has a minimum or a bonus that requires a maximum of say

 $3.00 per spin, then what you do is just reduce the number of plays to one per minute, and you are betting

 no more per minute then you were on the penny machine, but getting a much better payback!

Remember, you are not betting any more money than you were, just slowing down your

 play rate to take advantage of the higher payback!

Remember: The biggest payback difference occurs between the penny, dollar and 5

 dollar bets and/or machines!  So if you adjust your play rate so that you’re not betting

  more overall I think you’ll be pleased with the results.